General Information
Hello DSC Members - It's time once again to participate in the CT Ski Councils Discount Lift Ticket Bulk Purchase Program. We have received initial details and are sharing them here.
As a reminder, you have to be a current member of the DSC to participate in the program. If you have not renewed your membership or joined the DSC, this is a great time to do so.
If you have a credit coming from last year, Dave Zuraw, our Voucher Czar Extraordinaire, will contact you this weekend with information.
Please see the instructions and the XLS worksheet.
A web-form will be up shortly for the formal submission of your order.
Key Dates:
All checks due by 10/3 (mail) or 9/26 (at meeting)
Available for pickup 11/16, 11/29-30, 12/1-7-8, and December DSC Meetings
Additionally, the CSC has announced the preliminary list of awareness days and special discount days.